In January, we celebrated the new year at Matt's house with a bake-off, and then I decided to start eating healthy. Zac started another semester of school, we had a homemade Mexican dinner with Sarah and Luke, and my blog got a makeover. We saw Brian Reagan with my family in Salt Lake City, went to Kynlee's first birthday party, and Zac and I celebrated our one-year engagement anniversary with dinner at the Tree Room.

In February, I counted the reasons why I love being married, and I gave you a tour of my old apartment in Provo. I decided that I wanted to move to California (but never did), and we spent Valentine's Day at home with each other and watched The Notebook. We ate authentic Brazilian food at a friend's house. I got new glasses, and won a free shake. We also ate waffles one night for dinner.

In March, we went to a contemporary dance concert (and hated it), and a jazz concert (and loved it). We had a candlelit pizza dinner, and I went on a photo shoot with my best friend. Zac and I wore green for St. Patty's Day, and decided where we want to live, and then announced that we were moving somewhere else.

In April, I turned 22 and ate an ice cream cake. I went shopping with Rachel, and tried on silly headbands. I made a list of things we'll miss about Provo, and then we moved to Orem. I became a supervisor at my work. We stayed in bed all day one Saturday, and a few days after that, Zac turned 24 and I baked him a cake. Zac finished a semester of school.

In May, the Rooftop Concert Series started. We went on a picnic and I wore my new yellow pants, and Zac started his first summer semester. I took Sara's senior pictures, and she got a few honks from cars passing by. We went on a road trip over Memorial Day, and saw the solar eclipse. We celebrated our one-year anniversary in a hotel in downtown Salt Lake City, and ate ice cream when I was in a downer mood.

In June, we climbed the stairs in a building and watched the sunset from the roof. We went to Erik's homecoming, and got our first pictures taken since our wedding. I decorated my office building and made a candy poster. We took pictures of Lincoln and Mason at the park. We went to the Manti Pageant with my family, and went to Trafalga and played arcade games, and fed the ducks at the park.

In July, our nephew, Jackson, was born. We went to a parade, and saw the Beach Boys on the 4th of July. I introduced you to my best friend, and fed the ducks. We tried to go on a hike, but failed. Zac's parents took us to the Spanish Fork rodeo, and I took a day off work to spend time with Zac on Pioneer Day. Near the end of the month, we spent a few days at Bear Lake, boating and eating raspberry shakes.

In August, I found out that we lost most of our pictures from our honeymoon. I took a few pictures of baby Jackson, and ate Cafe Rio at the park. I drove down to Provo and took pictures of the Jenkins, and a few of my siblings had a fondue party. We spent a whole day in Park City, I ate hummus with Zac in the middle of the night, and Zac finished his summer semester, and started another.

In September, we got rained out at Cherry Hill, and had a Chinese dinner. My parents celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary with a trip to the East Coast, Jackson got blessed, and Aiden turned 3 years old. We went on a drive up the canyon to see the fall leaves, and went to Bernz's wedding reception. We made fall cookies, and it got really, really cold once fall came around. We took a ride on the Sundance ski lifts, and took a Sunday walk around the neighborhood.

In October, we walked to Barnes and Noble and read books, and bought lots of apples at the Farmer's Market. We made homemade caramel sauce, and spent a day at the cabin, and picked out some pumpkins for Halloween. We took a Halloween ride down the river with Matt and Steph and their boys, and it snowed for the first time this season. I had girls' night with Rachel and Erica, where we had the best waiter ever. We went to a corn maze with my family, I carved my first pumpkin in years, and celebrated Halloween with Zac's family.

In November, we voted, and watched the election at our place with Daniel. I remembered my Grandpa Earl on his birthday, and spent a weekend in snowy Park City with Zac's family. We did some pre-Thanksgiving cooking, and made out first Thanksgiving dinner. Zac made some hot cocoa that we drank under the lights, and we looked for pinecones at the park to decorate our Christmas tree, and marked off 18 months of being married.

In December, we went to UVU's homecoming game with Bernz and Wes, and decorated our Christmas tree. I baked bread for the first time, and looked classy at our ward Christmas party. We ate lots of ice cream, and sent out our Christmas cards. We bowled at my work's Christmas party, and saw the lights at Temple Square. We celebrated Surprise Halloween in December, and went to the Annual Barlocker Family Christmas Party. Over Christmas weekend, we made gingerbread houses, spent Christmas Eve with the Swensons, and Christmas Day with the Barlockers. We also took our very first polaroid together.

And now we're off to spend the last few hours of the year by each others' sides. It's been a good year with this man. I can't wait until the new one. Happy New Year!
Nice :)