Tuesday, February 7, 2012

the family room + the kitchen.

I moved into our current apartment at the end of April last year. Zac moved in with me after we got married at the end of May. That means that we've been renting this apartment for about 9 1/2 months, and I have yet to take any real pictures of it. Until now! The kitchen was looking a little dirty this evening, so I set off to clean it. Afterwards, it looked so lovely (well, as lovely as it'll get) that I took some pictures. So for those of you who don't know what our apartment looks like, here you go! I am [for the most part] quite fond of it.

The family room...

And the kitchen...

And we can't forget about the lovely Audrey Hepburn poster hanging in the hallway, can we?

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to clean the bedroom tonight, so that will have to wait. Stay tuned!

PS... I got my new glasses yesterday, and I must say they are quite fantastic. Pictures soon!



  1. Your place is so cozy! I needed this so I could get motivated to organize our teeny apartment. Love your blog design too, so fun!


  2. seriously, that couch? adorable! i wish my apartment was that cute.. and clean.
