One year ago to this very day, I married you in the Salt Lake City temple. The days leading up to our marriage were exciting, annoying, slow, and wonderful. Remember when, on the night before our wedding, I completely broke down because my flowers were all wrong? I still, to this day, hate my wedding bouquet.

When that day finally came, you picked me up from my parents' house in the wee hours of the morning, and we drove ourselves up Bacchus Highway to the temple grounds. We sang Chapel of Love by The Dixie Cups almost the whole way up there, replacing the word Chapel with Temple, because, I mean, that's where we were going!
When we arrived at the temple, we went our separate ways, and my mom (along with all the cute, old ladies in the temple) helped me into my temple dress. As my mom, a temple lady, and I were walking to go meet you, I realized that your ring was still in my bag. The temple lady seemed stressed the moment I said something about it. But my mom went back and got it before the ceremony even began. It seemed like hours went by before they led me into the Celestial room where we sat together, waiting to be married.
Our ceremony was kind of long, but maybe it was because I had butterflies, and I just wanted to be married already. I hardly remember what was said before we were married. Then it happened! We were married. And that first smooch as husband and wife was so sweet.
Before we met up to say hi to family and friends, I had to put on my wedding dress, that just so happened to have a tear in it. It was a good thing that I had brought a needle and thread, and that my mom is one talented seamstress. I remember being so anxious to see my new husband, and my mom was just concerned about touching up my make up and hair, and I got really annoyed.

We walked out of those two doors together, holding hands, and gave each other another big smooch on the steps. I hugged everyone I saw, and it made me so happy to see so many people who cared about us. The next few hours were spent taking way too many pictures, until we finally were able to change out of our clothes, and meet our friends and families for a luncheon at The Lion House. Remember how delicious and filling that lunch was?

On the way down to our reception that night, we were too tired for words, and so we stopped at a grocery store and got a Mountain Dew for me, and a Dr. Pepper for you. I don't usually drink caffeine, but I'm glad I did that night, because I would've fallen asleep.
Our outside reception started off nice, but then it had started to rain, which bugged me a lot back then, but now I think it was pretty cool, especially since our first dance was in the rain. By the end of the night, the bottom six inches of my wedding dress was brown from the dirt, and we drove away in your car, and off to our little place in Provo.

What a good, good day, husband. I can't believe it's been a whole year already. I've learned so much from you, and I can't believe how much I love you now compared to then. The amount is significantly higher. You've taught me patience (even though I'm still working on it), and to talk things out, because you and I both know that I like being quiet when I'm frustrated. You've taught me to better my faults, but at the same time, you focus on the good things about me. You've taught me how to love, and how to be a best friend. Marrying you is the best decision I've ever made, and I'm so happy you're mine for eternity! I sure do love you, Zac, and I'm excited to see what the future will bring for us. Happy first anniversary, my love.
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