A year and a half ago today, Zac and I drove ourselves to our temple and married each other! I can't believe how long it's been--it still feels like only a couple of months.
This last year and a half has been a breeze. I've enjoyed it with Zac by my side, and I've learned so much, like how to love, and how to live for two people instead of just one, and how to be patient (still working on that one). This man is good to me.
Before getting married, I got a lot of advice from lots of different people. The best advice I got, though, was this: Put your spouse's needs, wants, and happiness before our own, always. That was hard. I mean, I had needs and wants too, right?! But I learned to put my Zac before me. I massaged his back when I was too tired, and made him dinner when I didn't feel like cooking. Those are the times when I felt the most loved, and felt happy myself, because Zac would return the favor, and do something for me, too. It was a two-way street.
One of the biggest thing I've learned in marriage is said perfectly by Darren King from the band, Mutemath. He said, "Now that I'm married, the bads in my life hurt more and the goods are way better, and that's just it. I've created a polarity." It's because, like I said above, I'm living for two people. Instead of feeling only my pain, I feel pain for both me and Zac. And the joys! The joys are multiplied by 1,000, I swear.
This marriage thing isn't so bad as everyone says it is. I love you, Zac.
You two are SO cute!! You're very right about being happiest when you put your spouse's needs before your own. That was kind of hard for me to get used to as well. But it's SO true! Congrats on 18 months! :)