Saturday, April 21, 2012

lazy saturday.

Today, on this fine April Saturday, we find ourselves still in bed, even though it's just after 4:00 in the afternoon.

This morning, Zac woke up with a sore neck. We had plans to make a dessert, be outside in the nice Spring sun, and later on, go out to eat with my parents. Instead, we spent the day in bed watching movies, sleeping, and eating leftover pizza. I can't complain, though. It's been quite nice having a day where I have to do absolutely nothing. So nothing we will do!

Happy weekend! Let's hope that this poor boy will get better.



  1. aw, hope his neck is feeling better. but you are right. sometimes those doing nothing days are just the best!! :)
    and left over pizza sounds perfect right about now!
    xo TJ
