This morning, at a quarter to noon, I sat at the table and ate a breakfast of coconut oil spread onto toasted honey white bread, a sliced apple, and a glass of Simply Orange orange juice while Zac was sick in bed. Today, we are skipping church because he has an icky sore throat, and it's my job to take care of him.
When he woke up, I made him a breakfast of fried eggs and toast. Then, we looked at homes for sale in the San Bernardino valley in Southern California, because we both really want to live there. Why? Let me name the reasons.
- The houses there are just about as cheap as the houses in Utah. A four-bedroom house runs for about $275,000 (give or take).
- The valley of San Bernardino is surrounded by mountains to hike! And in those mountains are about three of four lakes. Glorious!
- The San Bernardino Valley is only an hour away from the beach; and not just any beach--Newport beach, where we went on our honeymoon.
- It's warm there, with no snow. As much as I love the look of snow, I hate the cold and ice it brings with it. The weather in San Bernardino ranges from about 40 degrees in the winter to about 95 degrees in the summer. This place was made for me.
- The houses there are gorgeous. I'm not sure where Utah was when they talked about the aesthetics of houses' architecture, but Utah is highly lacking. California? Not so much.
- My sister, Emily, lives only two hours away from San Bernardino. Family!
- The Redlands, California temple is nearby. What a beauty!
So you see? Zac and I need to move there. I think it's become my new dream. Just look how appealing it is...

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