Aiden, my nephew, turned three last week. Yesterday we went to his birthday party, complete with a blow-up slide and a bounce house. It was the real deal!
When Aiden came downstairs, I let him take pictures with my camera of everyone at the party. While most of the shots were of butts and boobs, some were pretty good.

We watched him open all his presents, and my favorite part of the entire party was when he got a "fishing rod" and wouldn't put it down at all. It was the first present he opened, and so watching him open the rest while holding his fishing rod was hilarious.

My mom made Aiden some superhero capes to play with, and a mask, too, and they were so cute. I wanted them for my child, and I don't even have one yet. Aiden ran around calling himself "Hero Aiden." It was pretty adorable. That kid can do no wrong in my eyes.

Most of the people there were adults, and watching them play on the blow-up toys in the backyard was hilarious. Zac and I played on them, too, but only for about 30 seconds.

Happy birthday, little buddy! Zacky and I sure love you.

(And props to Steph for running this whole party on her own while Matt was gone!)
... guys are awesome! Thanks for coming to the party :-)