This year has been one of the best, and our Franzy boy may or may not have a whole lot to do with that. :) I feel like mine and Zac's relationship as a couple has grown so much this year, and I love him more now than I ever have, if that were possible.
Here are a few of my favorite parts of 2013...

In January, Zac and I got our art on and found our new favorite Chinese restaurant just a block or two away from our apartment, took polaroids around downtown Provo in the freezing cold, and ate black and white food at a Martin Luther King Jr. party we threw with a few friends. We also found a couple of fox friends who would later hang out in the nursery, and got to eat for free at one of the best restaurants at Sundance to celebrate our engagement 2 years prior.

In February, we celebrated Groundhog Day with our friends from with a soda party, tried some fast food seafood that was actually pretty good, and spent Valentine's Day together at home with some Chinese take out. We discovered the world's most terrible wings while celebrating a friend's birthday, and got our dance on at another friend's wedding!

When March rolled around, we found out I was pregnant! We said goodbye to my sister, Rachel, when she moved to Texas, celebrated Zac's new job and my pregnancy with some really good food, had some pie with Erica and Wes on Pi Day, and I baked a mean chocolate cake for no reason at all.

In April, I celebrated Easter up at my parents' house without Zac. We also spent my birthday in Salt Lake City, and Zac's birthday in Park City. Spring finally came in all its glory, and we announced my pregnancy to friends and family!

In May, we threw a Cinco de Mayo party on the Seis de Mayo, discovered the best gelado we've ever tasted, and Zac ate way too much soft serve ice cream. Oh, and we ate the best pizza on the planet on our two-year anniversary!

In June, we started walking the trails at Bridal Veil Falls every Sunday, and my brother got married! We drove up to Squaw Peak one night to watch the sunset, built a blanket fort complete with popcorn and music, and went to the carnival for the second night in a row.

In July, we had family over for a BBQ on the 4th of July, indulged my craving of pizza and root beer, spent a day at the Farmers' Market. We road tripped to Bear Lake with the Swensons for a few days, and went to the rodeo with them a few days later.

In August, we went to see Ryan Innes with Jason and Abby, watched the Salem Days parade from my in-laws' driveway, and ate pizza and bought records with Erica and Wes one night. We played games and ate cake at Jason's birthday party, and I cut my hair so short!

In September, we spent a night up at the Swensons' cabin, watched my baby sister open her mission call, and had a pie party on the same day a huge storm hit and knocked the power out! We also drove up to West Jordan to say goodbye to Themlord before she left for her mission to Georgia!

In October, it snowed for the first time this season, and we walked through a corn maze with Erica and Wes, and ate some fire-grilled pizza after finding out that the truck was parked a couple blocks away from our apartment. We got our maternity pictures taken up in the mountains, and my baby sister left for Kansas, and I dressed up like trailer trash for Halloween.

In November, we celebrated my last day of work with desserts and balloons, Zac and I had our last big date with just the two of us at the same place we celebrated getting pregnant, I reached my due date, and then went overdue, and then welcomed our sweet little boy into the world! Franz turned a week old, and had quite the collection of visitors! We got pictures taken as a family of three, and spent Thanksgiving with my family.

In December, my baby boy turned a month old way too fast, and got his first cold with his mama. We spent a lot of days inside because of the cold weather, but ventured out on Christmas Day to spend time with family. Franz learned to like his binky, and we spent New Years Eve at my brother Matt's house with an appetizer contest and games.
It's been such a good year, and to be honest, after looking at all these pictures, I think I miss my pregnant belly. I've loved 2013, and I'm excited to see what 2014 brings! I'm excited to watch this little boy of mine grow up! Happy New Year!
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