I had a fever of 101.5 degrees last week. And a fever paired with a sick, congested baby who likes to wake up every couple of hours at night is no fun. Zac eventually had to get off work early one day last week because I just couldn't handle it!
We stayed home for a good part of last week, too. And when you're home all day in your jammies not feeling well with a poor, sick baby, sometimes you just have to play dress up, and send the pictures to papa. So after a diaper change, I slid these little boots that were my dad's when he was a baby in 1959 onto my baby's big feet and took a picture. I think it's my favorite picture of him so far. And of course I had to send his milk face to his papa, too. :)
We're both on the mend this week, and starting to feel much better. I only have a mild cough now, and Franz is getting a little less congested as the days go by. Something to put down in the books, though, is that Franz had his first x-ray yesterday (and it was my first day out and about, just him and me!). We went to the hospital to get an x-ray of his chest after a doctor's appointment, and all looks well! He was a trooper and held so still during the whole thing.
And now Christmas Eve is a week away. How did that happen? Time seems to be flying by since Franz came into our lives!
he is so precious, it kills me! I still can't believe you're a mom, it's so awesome. and i hear you on the christmas thing. like, wasn't it just halloween?