On Saturday, after not getting up to watch the sunrise together ("Hey Zac, it's 5:30, do you still want to watch the sunrise?" "No." *rolls over*), we went to the Farmers' Market for some produce, and ended up getting a fire grilled pizza from the Fiore pizza truck and the best olive bread we've ever tasted instead. Carbs.

After getting our fill at the Farmers' Market, we drove down to the Home Depot to get a chalkboard to hang up in our kitchen, because if my kitchen isn't the ugliest thing! We spent the afternoon painting the sides, and putting the finishing touches on our gold "S", and then hung everything up to make that wall look like we actually decorated it. I'm really loving it so far. We've decided that we're going to start decorating our apartment now. After more than a year of living here, and a new baby on the way (aka nesting), I'd say it's the perfect time.

For dinner, we made pasta with Giada's vodka sauce (without the vodka, because what Mormon has vodka lying around?) with our olive bread from the Farmers' Market and some mint limeade that we made a few hours earlier. The food was as good as a fancy Italian restaurant, and Zac has been looking up good olive bread recipes ever since. I think it's safe to say that he's obsessed.

When Sunday came around, we woke up early for church, and afterwards, we took a little nap and started making sugar cookies in shapes of woodland animals. The recipe was HUGE, and I was cutting out sugar cookies for a good three hours. And now we have a bunch of sugar cookies that I don't know what to do with. We'll probably give them out by the plateful (let me know if you want some; they're delicious!).

Later that night, in an effort to prolong Sunday as long as we could (we're not fans of Mondays around here), Zac set up a special movie-watching spot for us right in front of the TV while I made some salsa. We ate our salsa and watched Fantastic Mr. Fox until I was too uncomfortable, and then went to bed.
I think every weekend should be like this one. That would be best.
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