My baby boy is two months old already, and he is getting chunky! He has the most kissable chubby cheeks like his papa had when he was a baby, and I kiss them all day long. He also is getting really good at talking! His favorite words are hi, goo, oh, and a whole slew of other random baby words. He says hi pretty consistently though, and we like to say hi back to him and pretend he's greeting us. :)
Another thing he's getting really good at is smiling! It melts my heart each time. He gives most of his smiles out in the mornings to his mama, and I even caught him giggling a few times last week!
In his second month, Franz...
- has gotten really good at tummy time. He went from laying his head down to keeping it up for a few minutes at a time.
- loves to look at himself in the mirror. After I change his diaper, we walk over to the mirror and I talk to him, and he just flashes the biggest open-mouth grins! He also has a mirror above his seat in the swing, and smiles at himself before he falls asleep.
- is getting barely too big for 0-3 month clothes, but not quite big enough for 3-6 month clothes. I can't believe how fast he's growing!
- wears size 1 diapers, and will wear size 2 soon enough.
- has gained 5 1/2 pounds since birth; he's up to 14 pounds already! (Stop growing!)
- has to be holding onto something when he nurses. It's usually my shirt, and sometimes my finger. He also tickles my back with his behind hand while he nurses, too.
- is somewhat on a schedule. Every 2-4 hours, he'll eat, then get a diaper change, then play, then sleep, then repeat.
- is "sleeping through the night," in that he sleeps about 5 or 6 hours from the time we put him down for bed (around 6 or 7). After that, he still wakes up every 2 to 3 hours until morning.
- loves to be held facing outward, so he can see what's going on.
- loves to look at lights on the ceiling, the Fleet Foxes poster above our couch, the books in his nursery, and the frames on our living room wall.
- giggled for the first time, about 5 times in a row.
- has started putting his little fists up by his eyes when he eats, like he did in the ultrasound when I was pregnant with him.
- has his hands clenched in fists about half the time.
- has 2 sets of dimples! (We actually knew this when he was brand new, but now that he's smiling more, you notice them more!)
- has a sad little cough that is slowly going away.
- sleeps in his swing, and loves movement, like car rides (thank goodness) and stroller rides. Driving around in the car puts him to sleep the fastest though, I think.
- still loves to stick out his tongue! This kid's got the longest tongue I've ever seen.
- actually likes to be swaddled now, unlike last month. He takes a few daytime naps swaddled in his crib.
- pinched Zac's nipple while Zac was rocking him to sleep one night.
- will only smile for his mama most of the time. He loves it when I call him "handsome boy."
- loves to wiggle his arms and legs! (See proof in the blurry pictures above)
- loves his playmat that Grandma Lynn got him for Christmas. He loves looking at the lights and listening to the music (and will get sad when it turns off), and he's starting to swat at the hanging toys.
- can usually put himself to sleep, but lately doesn't like being rocked to sleep by mama or papa. That makes me sad. :(
- has found his hands, and loves sucking on them.
- loves his binky, unless he's hungry.
This second month has been much easier. I feel like as time goes on, I'm getting more and more used to this whole thing, getting on somewhat of a schedule, and I can even distinguish his cries and what they mean now (a few weeks ago, that seemed impossible).
I am loving his mama gig. I love being with this guy all day, even if it makes me frustrated sometimes. This little boy is such a good baby. I love him!
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