My big brother, Daniel, got married on Friday to a gorgeous girl named Erika. It was the first temple sealing session I've been to since my own wedding more than two years ago, so it was special. Daniel and Erika were both just gleaming; you could tell they were so happy and excited! When they got out of the temple, we took family pictures under the hot sun, and Matt even wore the tie Daniel made for him last Christmas, so it was a good day. (And would you look at my baby bump! Sheesh!)

After eating some of the best food of my life at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (the best food of my life, probably because I was sooo hungry by the time we started eating) and listening to a few good toasts and skits, we headed down to the reception in Pleasant Grove. We took a few minutes while Daniel and Erika were standing in their line to decorate Daniel's car in a very sexual fashion. You really cannot except less from the Barlockers, though.

Zac and I spent the rest of the night catching up with some of my really good friends, drinking Italian soda, and dancing outside. We sent Daniel and Erika off under a pathway of sparklers, and stayed late cleaning up balloons and streamers. It was such a good day, and I couldn't be more happy for my brother!

I LOVE the temple picture! Like, alot.