Christmas with a newborn is a totally different experience. This year, we spent Christmas Eve with Zac's family and Christmas Day with mine.
On the night of Christmas Eve, we pulled up to the Swensons and saw the lit up Christmas trees floating on the pond across the street. I would've loved to take a picture, but I wasn't about to bring Franz out in the cold. We went inside and had some delicious appetizers at the Swensons, where we listened to stories and set goals for the new year.
On Christmas Day, we spent the morning just the three of us, opening presents and eating a breakfast of fried eggs and bacon that Zac made on paper plates. Then we headed up to the Barlockers, and missed my missionary sister's Skype call by just about 20 minutes! Up at my parents' house, we opened presents (my mom got Franz a play mat, among other things, and he LOVED it--full of smiles the whole time he was under it!), ate a dinner of ham and funeral potatoes, and in the evening, stopped by Matt's and Steph's house to say hi.
And maybe I didn't get a lot of pictures because I was too busy feeding my baby every hour or so, but I'm loving the ones I did get, especially the one of my son throwing peace signs.
Merry Christmas!
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