Last weekend, after going the night before with Bernz and Wes (and getting half-off Applebee's appetizers afterward!), Zac and I went to the carnival in Orem, and my gosh! It was so crowded. But it was a blast! We got to watch the parade go by, where we flicked ants off our blanket, and we bought him a fancy shirt with an even fancier fox on the front. We love foxes.
When it was dark, we went straight to the spot where our blanket was laid out and waiting for us and watched one of the greatest firework shows I've seen yet! The whole time, I was thinking about when I was younger and would watch fireworks, dreaming of one day watching them with my love. That night I was! And I was like, "Whaaaat?"
When we got home, after speed walking a total of 3 miles that day, we made homemade funnel cakes (because who wants to spend $5 for one funnel cake?) with raspberries on top. And I'm pretty sure they were even better than the ones at the carnival.
oh my gosh I have the same t-shirt as Zac but in orange! Who knew? Guess we both have a love for local artists.