It's hard to believe that this little guy joined our family a month ago! I feel like it inched by and flew by all at the same time. I'm still shocked that I birthed a baby. I mean, how does that even happen?
In the last month of getting to know Franz, we've discovered that he's got a sweet side like his papa and a fiesty side like his mama. For example, when he's finished eating, he'll grin the biggest grins and do happy, high-pitched sighs, but when he's hungry, he's hungry, and he'll let you know by screaming his little heart out.
Other things worth noting about Franz's first month of life:
- He still fits in (most) newborn sized clothes and diapers, but is slowly starting to fit into some of the 0-3 month sized clothes.
- He's had his first cold, and it's still lingering. He and his mama have been sick together.
- He loves to be rocked in his bouncer, so much so that he'll cry if you stop rocking it. So we ordered a swing for him that should be here any day now. I think he (Zac and I, really) will love it.
- He absolutely loves to stick out his tongue. He loves to sleep with his tongue out, and loves to blow raspberries when he sighs, because his tongue is sticking out.
- He hates being burped, unless he's tired. Then he'll fall asleep.
- He loves to eat. It's the only thing that will cheer him up without fail when he's crying.
- He hates his arms swaddled or even covered by blankets. He likes to keep them out in the open, and oftentimes sleeps with them high above his head.
- He once gave Zac a hickey on the arm because he thought it was a boob.
- He prefers being slightly inclined rather than lying completely flat.
- He loves white noise most of the time, especially shushing noises. He also likes being sung to, for a little while at least.
- He saw the Christmas tree for the first time and couldn't stop staring at the lights!
- He's starting to focus on peoples' faces when they talk, and will copy you if you stick your tongue out.
- He eats every 30-90 minutes in the day (yeesh), and every 2-3 hours at night.
- He hates the hiccups more than anything, and will scream until they go away.
This little boy is such a dream. It's still hard to believe that he's mine! I have a baby?! I'm a mom?! He's the most perfect thing I've ever made, and a cutie, too! I just love him, and I'm so excited to see what this next month brings!
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