For how unsure he was of his binky during the first few weeks of his life, this little boy is obsessed with it now. Unless he's hungry, then don't you dare try to give him something that isn't the real thing. When he's fussy and tired and just not going to sleep, his binky does the trick most of the time. And what do you know, I haven't lost a single one in the 6 1/2 weeks he's been here.
I've been getting tired of holding it in his mouth for him while he sucks on it, so I've been trying to teach him how to hold it with his own hand. We've only been working at it for a few days now, but the other day while he was holding it there, it came out, and just as quickly, he shoved it back in with his little fist! It was a proud mama moment, for sure. :)
I've been getting tired of holding it in his mouth for him while he sucks on it, so I've been trying to teach him how to hold it with his own hand. We've only been working at it for a few days now, but the other day while he was holding it there, it came out, and just as quickly, he shoved it back in with his little fist! It was a proud mama moment, for sure. :)
I love this little human more than life itself.
Ahh, he is the cutest! I need to meet this little guy!