I celebrated a lot of things today, the first being that it's finally November, the month my little babe will be born. I've been waiting for so long for this month to get here, but it also seems like it crept up on us too quickly. I'll become a mother this month. I'll get to meet my baby. So happy November 1st!
The second was my very last day of work, ever. I will not be going back. I've decided to stay home with my little babe to raise it, and that made me surprisingly nervous today. I had thoughts of What will I do all day? and How will we make it on one income? I've made it my goal to get out of the house at least once every day for the next, I dunno, ten years? I plan on keeping busy and making friends. As far as the one income question goes, we'll be okay. We've got a budget set up, and we'll do well. But my last day of work. I'll miss those people there. My co-workers decorated my desk with balloons and streamers, and brought five kinds of desserts to share! Not to mention that we all went out to lunch where I wanted to go. I will genuinely miss it there, but plan on visiting a few times after the baby comes!
And lastly, these leaves, you guys. The trees just in my complex are so stunning. The last few days, I've come home at the right moment where the sun makes them look golden! So today, in honor of November, I took out my camera and took a few pictures of them, because I know they'll be gone so fast, and that winter will take over (it's supposed to snow on Monday, for crying out loud!). I wanted to remember fall just a little longer.
So cheers to November, my baby's birth month!
You will LOVE being home. There are, of course, hard days/moments, but it is the best place to be. We will have to do some play dates!