Today is Franz's fourth day of life. I'd say it's the best one yet. Today, we gave Franz his first sponge bath. He cried and screamed, and shivered little baby shivers that were the saddest thing. Today was also our first outing together as a family of three. We went to Target and bought a few things. I had him in a moby wrap the whole time, and he was so soft and snuggly and didn't make a peep the whole time. It was also the first time I've changed his diaper (Zac's taken over that job, bless that good man's heart) with Zac's help, and it was also the first time he peed while getting his diaper changed. It went on me, Zac, Franz, and the changing pad. We laughed and laughed, and celebrated his 4th pee on his 4th day!
Today was such a huge difference from yesterday. I've heard that the third day after you deliver is the worst, because all your emotions are out of whack. I'm no exception. I was so, so tired, and crazy stressed because my baby was crying for no reason at all it seemed like (he was really just super hungry, and needed to eat every half hour). I was sore and in so much pain, and was crying the better part of the day. Today was so much better. I got dressed and ready for the day, and actually left the house, which was more amazing than it sounds. I had energy back! I had a mom making me food, doing my laundry, and cleaning my house. Franz mellowed down a bit, and stopped crying so much, and I was so much more calm. And I learned one thing: drugs are good.
It's so fun getting to know little things about my Franz. Spending all this time with him has been so wonderful, and learning what he likes to do, like stick out his tongue, and use his hands to touch faces and throw fits. And learning that he doesn't like to do, like having his diaper changed (too cold!) and being swaddled (again, his hands!). I could stare at him all day long, and often do, he's so beautiful! Being a mama has been the best thing to happen to me. I have absolutely loved these last four days with my Franz.
That's the outfit I gave him!! It's even cuter on him. I can't wait to meet him!
ReplyDeleteHe is such a sweetheart! The ups and the downs continue with each passing day and week, but the hard days make the good days so wonderful. :) Motherhood really is the best.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've been told that Drugs are amazing!! He's such a cutie!