I think it's finally hit me. I want to be done. I want this baby out! I'm so ready to meet him or her, and my body is exhausted and so ready. I'm quite proud for making it to 39 weeks without feeling this way, though, so go me! I can definitely see why women would want to be induced, but I'm still so against it. Unless it's medically necessary, inducing is not an option for me.
A couple of people have asked me when the baby is coming, and I've answered, "Could be tomorrow, could be in two weeks." Then I realize that I could have a baby tomorrow, and if that isn't a trip, I don't know what is (besides actually giving birth... I'm sure that's pretty trippy). With every little cramp and tightness in my belly, I get all worked up. "This could be it!" It hasn't been so far, obviously, but the fact that any little thing could be the start to my labor makes my head spin.
I'm starting to feel fat now (once again, I'm glad I've made it 39 weeks without feeling like this), but I've noticed that if I get dressed and ready for the day, it makes me feel so much better. I've heard that that's one of the most important things for after having the baby, and I plan on getting ready for the day each day after having this babe. Plus, I'm not much of a sweat pants kind of girl. I'd almost always rather be wearing jeans with my hair and make up done, so I've got that much going for me.
I'm still sleeping through the night about half the time (the other half will be the death of me), and get this: still no stretch marks, and still no peeing my pants. It's a dang miracle, I tell you! I'm hoping to make it all the way to the end. I've started walking around the block every day to see if I can get things moving, but nothing yet. And today, out of pure excitement, I made a list of everything I want on my Subway sandwich that Zac will go get me after the baby's here, because I have been craving one of those this whole pregnancy, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Footlong ham sandwich, here I come!
Sweat pants are your friend. Don't be a dumb dumb like I was and take your pre-pregnancy pants to the hospital to come home in. It's not gonna happen. Take something that you can feel comfortable and warm in, and something that you can recuperate in. or take fat pants. what ever works! Your belly will take a week or two to go down. (Unless you are my cousin who DID come home in pre-pregnancy levis. we all hate her.)
ReplyDeleteBUT DO get up and take a shower and get dressed. It will just make you feel better. DO let people help you and if they ask, DO let them bring you in dinner! ...and at the hospital, DO let them give you a backrub if they ask! (I was at a training hospital and they asked everyday. I didn't want to be a bother, so I said no. Stupid me. I still regret that and it was 30 years ago!)
And DO enjoy your ham sammich. :)
Just looked and compared your pictures. You've dropped my dear. YAY! I'm gonna be a gramma, I'm gonna be a gramma....