Just two more weeks left?! This whole pregnancy things has flown by, and I'm not sure I like it very much, because I know that when this babe comes, time will go by even faster, and that makes me feel like this babe is already growing up too fast, even though it's not even here yet! Slow. the. crap. down. Cripes.
My midwife estimated that my baby is about 6 1/2 pounds now (that's a really rough estimate though). My belly definitely feels crowded, and I'm sure my baby is almost ready to come out. It stretches all the time, like it's trying to bust outta there! And what do you know, it's as big as a pumpkin, right in time for Halloween! I thought that was pretty awesome.
This week, the sudden wave of uncomfortableness finally hit me. Now I wake up in the middle of the night about half the time, and can't get back to sleep for hours, if at all. I've got lightning crotch, but only in my thighs (lighting thighs...?), and my feet and hands get swollen every so often. It's funny at night when I try to take my wedding ring off. I have a tiny cut on my left ring finger from trying to pull that thing off so many times. I breathe like an obese lady who just ran a marathon every time I move, and bending over is almost impossible (and when it is possible, I feel like dying). I think the worst of it, though, is this acid reflux I get, ya know, about fourteen times a day. Yucky.
But with all the bad stuff, there's twice as much good stuff. For example, reading our new books to this little babe (it loves it, and moves around so much to the sound of our voices), and getting the last pieces of the nursery put together, and looking back in the car to see a little car seat (we finally installed it!) and thinking that there will be a brand new baby in there soon! Not to mention looking at all the tiny clothes in the closet, and making a list of what to pack in the diaper bag (I've looked forward to that for so long... don't think I'm weird. I'm a list maker, and a list involving my baby?! Hot dang!), and feeling the babe's little back and bum push out from my belly, and rubbing them (it loves that, too). My life is about to drastically change, and I really couldn't be more excited!
I'm wrapping up my time at work now, too. Today is my very last Monday, and Friday will be my last day ever. I didn't think I would be sad about it, but now that it's actually here, I am feeling quite down. I'll miss the people here. My boss, who shares his dinner recipes with me, is holding a few of them hostage to make sure I keep in touch. I told him that I'd show up unannounced every now and then with my ornery baby and tell him to entertain me while I sit in his office. I think it'll be a good trade.
I can't believe that I'm this close to being done. It doesn't seem real! Soon we'll have a little baby to take care of and snuggle. Zac told me the other night, "In a few weeks, we'll be parents for the rest of our lives." Here we go!