I sat at my desk this morning and my baby was moving back and forth and giving my belly little pushes for what seemed like most of the morning. I stopped what I was doing and looked down at my moving belly and just took it in. Lately I've become to used to those little movements, but today I just sat and watched, paying full attention to those slides and feelings that were happening right there in my belly. And then it hit me. There's a baby in there!
Holy crap, there's an actual infant inside of me, and I get to meet it so soon, and it will be mine, and I'll be a mother! I felt so excited, but full of disbelief, like, is this really happening? Sometimes it's hard to realize, because I can't see the baby. It's easy to forget that's what in there. An actual baby. But this morning, it struck me what I'll be doing in just a few weeks, I'll have a baby. I don't feel ready, but at the same time, I'm so ready.
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