I had my last baby shower yesterday; a children's book themed shower! It was so much fun, and I got so many good books that I cannot wait to read to this little babe. I am obsessed with children's books, so I was in heaven. It was so good to see everyone on Zac's side of the family, and eat quiches and cheesecake and chocolate-covered coconut almonds.
This week, although I'm not quite at the point where I just want this baby out, I've been getting acid reflux quite a bit. I woke up with it in the middle of the night last night, and every time I bend over, I feel like throwing up, so that's fun. I can definitely tell that my thighs and hips are getting bigger (boo), but I keep telling myself that it will go back to normal after I have the baby (thanks to this little contraption I bought a couple of weeks ago--I've only heard good things about it), so I'm doing pretty good at keeping my chin up about my appearance.
The popcorn and orange juice cravings are coming back for one last hurrah, I think, because I can't stop obsessing over them! Just trying to get my fill in before the baby comes (we bought 2 jugs of orange juice). Zac and I have also decided to take advantage of Friday and Saturday nights while it's just the two of us, and have been going on lots of dates lately. I'm certainly not complaining. Spending time with that man is heaven on earth.
This baby is somewhere around 6 pounds now. That's how big I was when I was born, so it's hard to believe that I'm so close! Just 3 more weeks! Not to mention I'm considered "full term" now, but I'm still hoping for a November baby. And the full moon last night didn't put me into labor, so that was nice. This little guy or girl is still head down, and sometimes I feel its feet all the way on the side of my stomach. It loves to stretch out as far as it can, and it gets the hiccups so much still. I love them.
For the most part, we've got everything ready to go. If the baby came right now, we'd be fine and have everything we need. We just need to do some finishing touches in the nursery, like hang the book shelves and make more crib sheets and changing pad covers. My hospital bag still isn't all the way packed, but it's close, and the car seat still isn't installed. I honestly wonder if we'll get around to that before I go into labor. :)
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