I don't think it's occurred to me that there will be a brand new baby in my house in about 5 weeks from now. And to be honest, I don't think it will set in even when it is here. I think it'll be like when Zac and I got married, where it never really set in, we just got used to living with each other. But nonetheless, I cannot believe that there are only 5 weeks left!
I'm getting a little more stressed as time passes on and I look at the list of things to do and things to buy. "I need to do all of this in a month?!" I'm trying to get it all done as soon as I can, and have the last week or two to just sleep (because, believe it or not, I'm still sleeping through the night... praise the Lord!) and bum around. That sounds like heaven to me right now. Zac and I spent 7 or 8 hours yesterday during General Conference making 3 weeks worth of freezer meals. Seriously. I am set. Remind me to never do that again, because that was the worst day of my life. I was cursing by the end of it, and had Zac massage my feet in bed. But it'll be nice to not have to cook for nearly a month.
We got our maternity pictures taken on Saturday! I haven't seen them yet, but I can already tell that they are awesome. We waited longer than the average time you'd do maternity pictures so we could have the pretty fall colors in the background (because we're having a fall baby!), and did quite a lot (for me, anyway) of hiking and walking. But I think they're gonna be good, so stay tuned!
My baby is around 5 pounds now, and probably about 18 inches long! How it got so big so fast, I have no idea. It's still moving and wiggling and kicking so much, and loves to kick Zac when we hug or cuddle on the couch. I've been having some awesome (read: painful) braxton hicks contractions lately, and every time I get them, my normal walk turns into a waddle. There is no stopping it. When they come, I get just a little nervous, and think, Baby Swenson, please don't come early! Anytime between 39 and 41 weeks would be ideal. I really don't want it to be sooner.
I feel so good this week. I keep waiting for that very-much-talked-about third trimester uncomfortableness/exhaustion/just-get-this-baby-out-of-me symptom, and I'm just not there yet, I guess. I'm still trying to soak all this up, how I can feel the baby's kicks and hiccups and how I still have this cute bump. I think I'm going to miss it, but I'm so excited for this baby to come!
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