Saturday, August 3, 2013

26 weeks.

(Three cheers to me for forgetting to switch my ISO from 1600. That does a number to the appearance of your skin!)

This last week, while wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans, I realized that I just don't fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes anymore! So I took a night to clean out my closet and put all of my normal clothes into storage, and holy cow, I have a ton of clothes! When I was finished, I had a mini breakdown, because not much was left for me to wear. I was surprised at how sad it made me to be getting rid of clothes I love. The only thing that was keeping me strong was knowing that they would come back out sometime next year. So to cheer me up, Zac let me so a little shopping, and I came back with a few shirts and pants that actually fit! I felt so much better. A tip to the newly pregnant: maternity clothes are your friends. I don't know why pregnant women want to stay in their normal clothes for as long as they can. I feel so much better when I'm in maternity clothes (especially maternity pants), because they fit so well!

Zac's been given a few jobs in the last few weeks, including helping me up off the floor and buckling my sandals. He's so good to me. We bought our stroller this week, and he help me set it up. We pushed it around the apartment, and I can just tell that he's getting more and more excited as this becomes more real for him. And listening to him talk to my baby?! It's the sweetest. I love that man.

I'm still just craving carbs and sweets. I'll get home from work and scavenge my house for anything sweet. I usually end up eating chocolate chips, since we don't buy too much candy. I'm disliking produce more and more each day, but every now and then, I'll crave a salad, but only if it's topped with croutons, eggs, cheese, and a thick dressing. Throughout this whole pregnancy, I've been dying for a Subway ham sandwich, which, of course, I can't have until the baby is here (bacteria infection risk). I told Zac that within the hour the baby is born, he is to drive to the nearest Subway and get me an entire foot-long ham sandwich for myself alone. I'm looking forward to that day. :) I also realized, after eating a few burgers and egg salad over the past few weeks, that raw onions make me sick to my stomach. 

I'm feeling so good lately. My back doesn't hurt so much, and I'm not as tired as I was a couple of weeks ago. Although, it's getting more difficult to sit down for long periods of time (ahem, at work). And at the end of the day, my stomach is huge and so tight, but when I wake up in the mornings, it's much smaller, but my shirt will ride up in the middle of the night, so I'll wake up to a bare belly. It's so funny. 

I can't believe my due date is just barely more than 3 months away. I'm so excited to meet this child!


1 comment:

  1. Megan! You can have ham sandwiches as long as they toast it first. At least that's what my doctor told me. Ask your dr first. But the temp the ovens are at are hot enough to kill the bacteria. Subway was like the only thing I craved during my pregnancy. I had it at LEAST three times a week.

    Looking super cute as always!
