At 19 weeks, this little baby is half a foot long! It's kicks are getting so strong, and I'm now able to feel the flutters when it moves (surprisingly, I could feel kicks long before moves). I'm starting to miss some of my regular clothes (like the yellow skirt I tried to squeeze into for Daniel's wedding), but I ordered some pretty maternity clothes last week, and they should be here any day now! New clothes make me happy.
This week my biggest craving has been donuts! I've craved one every. single. day. But I haven't given in yet (mostly because I'm too lazy to go get one), so good on me! I'm also still craving the usual orange juice, cinnamon rolls, root beer and carbs. At least one thing in there is healthy. ;) So far I've gained about 9 pounds.
These past few days, it's been really easy to feel the baby kick from the outside, even I can feel it (I couldn't before). We're starting to add to our collection of baby things (I feel like I'm so behind, but I'm probably just fine). My favorite thing to shop for is clothes. They're so little! We're going to start buying diapers next week. Crap just got real.
My biggest symptoms lately are round ligament pain and achy joints and and a sore lower back. Nothing too bad. I don't have heartburn yet (yay!), but when I get hungry, I get hungry. I kind of feel like a rabid beast when I eat after a long while of not eating. It's very attractive. I spend about 70% of my day thinking about this little babe. What it's going to be like, what it will look like, and what it will be like when it's finally here. I'm so excited to find out!
I didn't get heart burn until I was about 25 weeks. I had never gotten it before, so when I first felt it, I thought I was dying. Haha it was my least favorite part about being pregnant! The back pain will definitely get worse, but that just means the baby is coming soon!
ReplyDeleteAlso, don't buy a whole lot of newborn and size one diapers. They only fit them for a short time (same with newborn clothes.) The size most babies wear the longest is 3. And the best sizes for clothes that will last longer are 3 and 9 months.
You're adorable! :)
You are so helpful! I'll definitely remember that when shopping for clothes and diapers! I actually think I only have 2 newborn outfits, so we're on the right track! Haha, thank you so much for your advice! :)