Only 9 more weeks to go! We're in single digits now, and the countdown has begun!
This whole week, up until this morning, I felt pretty small, and like I could maneuver around really well, but this morning, I think the baby changed positions because now my belly feels like it sticks out more, and it's harder, too. And I've been semi-waddling around the apartment all day. This baby is squished in there!
Not to mention, the babe is about 3 1/2 pounds, and almost 17 inches long, and its eyes can now react to light. It pushes up against my belly all the time now, in place of its kicks (but I still get little kicks here and there). And when I go on walks, I get winded and my belly starts cramping up. Welcome to my life, Braxton Hicks.
I've had a little more desire to eat healthier this week, as in I eat more produce than I did before, but this baby still loves sweets! It'll be weird to see if that goes away after I have the baby. I used to be a health freak, guys, but now all I eat is junk food. That's been weird to go through.
The next few weeks are going to be crazy as I get ready for this baby to come home with us. All that's on my mind lately is, "We've gotta put all the freezer meals together" and "When should I pack my hospital bag and wash all these cute little baby clothes?!" and "I need to get a stock pile of pads, man!" Time to prepare.
I was talking to Zac the other night about how crazy it is that I haven't experienced that many pregnancy discomforts yet. The last time I woke up to pee in the middle of the night was in my first trimester, and as of right now, I'm still sleeping through the night. My muscles and joints don't get achy very often, and my hormones are just like, "meh." This pregnancy has been so nice (knock on wood); I'm just hoping the birth won't be a disaster.
pregnancy is such a trip! I'm glad yours has been so mellow!!