This poor babe has caught a cold in the last day or two, and on top of that, he's going through a [week long and counting] growth spurt that makes him want to eat every hour.
Being a mama is hard, hard work. I think I can honestly say this is the toughest thing I've ever done in my life. It takes a toll on you emotionally, physically, and mentally. I realized the other day that I won't have a full nights sleep for years!
But being this little guy's mama, being able to calm him when he's crying, and laughing at all his little sounds and faces, and getting to hog him all to myself all day long is one of the most amazing things I've ever done. Getting to know his big, fiesty personality that's bottled up in that little, wiggly body is so wonderful.
My very favorite thing that only happens about half the time is when he falls asleep on my chest while I'm burping him after he eats. That makes me feel like his mama the most. It helps me feel close to him, and I love that.
I love having Zac home with us on the weekends. It makes this whole stay-at-home mom thing a whole lot easier when I have someone to tag-team with and laugh with and talk with. He is such a dream.
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