Tonight, I was lying down on my back with my hand pushed down against my stomach, trying to feel the baby. I could've sworn I felt the tiniest kicks from the outside (but who knows? I've never done this before), so I asked Zac if he wanted to feel. He said he felt something, too. The tiniest, softest kicks from our little babe.
I've been hungry like no other, and the headaches and cramps are getting more frequent and strong. I've had a few cravings for ice cold root beer this week, and I'm still wanting it, but there's still no consistency.
I'm so excited for when I start really showing, and for when we get to see the babe again on the ultrasound in about a month. The last time we saw it was when it was just a little blob. I'm also really excited for when I can feel real kicks, and be sure of them. That should happen in the next few weeks!
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