At 14 weeks, this baby is 3.5 inches long, and weighs 1.5 ounces. I'm starting to wear maternity pants more regularly (not because my belly is getting bigger, but because they're so comfortable, and I have to do the elastic trick with most of my regular pants). I can feel how much more energy I have, although I still get pretty tired earlier on.
All I want to do is eat full meals--no snacks, because they don't fill me up, and I like feeling full, which is weird, because I hated feeling full before. I still can't put my finger on any specific craving. I just crave food in general, and it's different everyday (today I'm craving Indian curry with naan).
My symptoms have pretty much left, except for, you guessed it! The cramps. Technically it's called round ligamant pain, and it's caused by the ligamants in my lower abs stretching to make room. So it's a good sign, and I'd rather have them than not.
Last night, after Zac and I finished our movie, I could've sworn I felt some flutters in my lower stomach. So I tried a trick my sister suggested, and laid down on my stomach and tried to feel it again. I had to hold my breath, and hold really still, but I think I could feel the very slightest movement from the baby. If it would've been any more soft, I don't think I'd be able to feel it. It was so freaking cool! I'm excited for when Zac can feel it, too.
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