We're baaaaack! A few times a year, we go to the lake house up at Bear Lake with Zac's family. My very first time was two winters ago, when Zac and I were engaged. There, we sat in the hot tub and talked, and decided to go make snow angels in our wet swim suits. That is the thing I remember best about my first time at Bear Lake.
This past weekend was spent on the lake two days in a row, boating, wave running, and wake boarding (it was the very first time I tried it, and my dainty little arms weren't strong enough to pull the rest of my body up, so no, I didn't officially wake board). My favorite was riding (and driving!) the wave runners with Zac.
When we weren't in the water, we were either eating (Cafe Sabor is highly recommended--so much Mexican!), watching the 2012 London Olympics, or out getting chocolate raspberry shakes from LeBeau's. A city that revolves around their raspberry plants is a city for us!
And it just so happens that the next time we get the lake house is on Thanksgiving this year. I'm kind of hoping that raspberries will replace all cranberries at the dinner table that night...