Last weekend, Zac and I drove an hour and a half south, and met my family in Manti. During the summer months in Manti, a play called The Mormon Miracle Pageant is put on by the locals about Joseph Smith, and the restoration of the Gospel, performed on the hillside right below the beautiful Manti temple.
My family usually arrives in Manti in the daytime so we can spend time eating dinner, taking walks, looking at the local museums and craft fair, and scouting out our spots for the pageant. This year was no different. Once we set up camp (and put our bags in the motel rooms), we ventured out.
While at the craft fair, I bought the most darling sweater for my future, unborn child. Zac and I also bought some root beer candies and lemon drops to eat at the pageant, because we're good thinkers. We also celebrated Daniel's 24th birthday there, which explains the BBQ and steaks: his birthday meal of choice.
I'm always surprised at how many people come to these pageants. And not only that, but also how many protestors there are. This year, a protestor brought his piano to play.
I was only awake for about half of the pageant, which made me feel kind of bad. But when you're lying on a blanket next to your lover in the cold dark night, it's kind of the perfect time to fall asleep. So, sadly, I don't remember much about the pageant. But luckily I've seen it many times before.
All the while, Rachel was sick, and ended up going to the hospital where they found out she had some kind of disease in her pancreas. No fun.
The next morning, we packed up our bags, had breakfast at camp, and drove the hour and a half home to out apartment. It was really good to get away with my family. And I plan on watching the entire show next year.
