I'm posting late this week because I was in Bear Lake all weekend with my in-laws eating way too much food, hanging out on the beach, and looking like a scoundrel 75% of the time. I'll post pictures soon!
This week my baby is the size of a cantaloupe, which is weird to me, because I don't think my stomach is that big. Over the weekend, I gained 3 pounds (seriously), but I lost a little bit already, so I'm up 16 pounds total. Baby Swenson is still kicking a ton, and loves to kick (punch?) my bladder. Still no accidents, though!
This week, the wife of one of Zac's co-workers asked, "So what is it really like?" and I told her, "I've had it so good so far! I haven't thrown up once, and had mild morning sickness just in the first trimester. But the worst things are being so exhausted and sore and achy all the time." That about sums it up for me. I'll take it, though, because my appetite is excellent. I've decided that's my favorite thing about pregnancy: wanting and being able to eat anything! (I really, really love food)
Fun fact: today at work, while I was wearing the clothes pictured above, my boss came up to me, pointed at my stomach, and said, "What is that, a fruit basket?" I thought it was pretty clever. :)
This week I get to take the glucose challenge test and drink the dreaded sugary drink! Although, I've heard that it's not as bad as everyone says it is. I think I'll like it, but I'll let you know how it goes.
We're starting on the nursery, and we've even begun cleaning out the closet in the second bedroom (it's a nightmare). We've bought a few things to go in the nursery like a lamp and a rug and a pillow), and we'll be getting nursery furniture this week! I'm so excited to get things set up and see how it turns out. I am in full nesting mode right now!
Lately, I've been asked a lot, "Do you guys have names picked out yet?" We do! A boy name and a girl name. But we're keeping them a secret. :) We'll announce the name when the baby arrives. Any guesses? ;)