It's August, people. August! Summer is almost over. And, for the most part, I'm okay with that. But on the other hand, I'm screaming, "Where did summer go?!"
This summer was different than last. Zac has been attending summer semester, and I've upped my hours to 45 per week (and Zac's at 30-35 per week). It's been pretty busy here over here, and when we're not out working or in class, Zac's usually doing homework, and I'm usually sleeping (who knew sitting down for 9 hours a day could make you so exhausted?).
But we have found time to spend time with each other here and there, in between working, classes, homework, and sleeping. And you know what? Even if that time was very limited, I'm glad it happened. Zac and I have learned to love each other even more throughout this summer. We've had our share of hardships (and still have them), but the love that those hardships bring makes them so worth it.
With summer ending, I just want to say that I'm so blessed to have spent it with my husband. Our little dates, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream at night, having him teach me about his math homework, and feeding the duckies. It's these sweet moments that I know I'll look back on one day and miss, so I'm going to cherish them. This summer has been good.
To end, I want to post a few of my favorite pictures from last summer when we were newlyweds. I think next summer will be even better.

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