I kind of dropped off writing about my last two weeks of summer, but let me assure you, they were spent well. Almost every night, Zac and I watched a movie together.
Normally, I would find this kind of boring, because I sit on my butt all day long while I'm at work, and when I'm home, I like to move and go outside and do things. But this movie-watching time we had together, it was perfect, and just what we needed. And I do believe we bought two pints of ice cream to go along with it.
One night we watched Juno, and you know what? I like that movie. And at the very end, when Juno says, As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss, I get warm fuzzies, because that's how I feel about my Zac.
As far as husbands go, Zac Swenson is totally boss.

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