Zac and I doing what we do best: listening to music at the Fork Fest, Fall 2010
Last night, when Zac and I were driving to the store to fill our late-night candy cravings, and just as Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye came on the radio, I realized that, although we don't have a lot in common, our taste in music is identical. Spot on. Like, we share the same brain when it comes to taste in music. And for that, I am grateful, because we have something, in the midst of our differences, that we share and enjoy together. Not only that, but we also love vinyl records. If given the choice, I think we'd both buy an album on vinyl rather than on MP3.
I remember one of the first songs that reminded me of Zac. We were driving up to Sundance for our very first date, and he had his iPod playing Re: Stacks by Bon Iver. I remember looking over at him, and he was so serious. It was different from the silly boy I had hung out with before. And I liked it.
I'm so glad that Zac and I share this love of music with each other. I mean, we met at a Rock Band party, after all! It's something I hope our children will share with us. I always joke about starting a family band with our kids (Zac thinks it's a silly idea). And I can't wait for the day when we live someplace where I can set up my drums, or buy a piano to play. That will be a good day.