When we finished our activities at Ikea, we drove another 20 miles north toward Salt Lake City. Zac and I here, we love a little store called Urban Outfitters. Unfortunately, the closest one to us is 45 miles away, in Salt Lake City. So we made the drive up there to shop. Because the store is so over priced (I seriously saw a shirt there priced at $250), we usually find ourselves in the sale corner of the store, but that doesn't mean that I don't LOVE to adore and admire the pretty bedspreads, dishes, books, records, cameras, and clothing that are not on sale. While browsing through the sale rack, Zac found a nice (and I mean nice!) pair of green pants. I've been wanting colored pants (preferably yellow, thanks) for the last little while, so I was kind of jealous when he found these babies. However, I did find two belts that I loved. Zac found a shirt to go with his pants, and we made our way up to the registers. Everything we got was on sale, which made me happy inside.
We left Urban Outfitters and the crisp, cold air hit us as soon as we did. It was a cold night, but the Christmas lights and people running through the fountains (are they crazy?!) made it fun.

When we were done watching these crazy people run and scream through the fountains, we decided to walk the four or five blocks to Temple Square to see the magical Christmas lights. It was a nice walk. It was chilly, and my arm was in Zac's. On our way, we saw the prettiest little house called the Devereaux Mansion. I wanted to live there right away, but decided to take a picture of it instead. When we arrived to Temple Square, it was wonderful. The lights were everywhere! I've been to Temple Square to see the lights every year, and it still impresses me when I go back. We walked around and saw the Nativity scene, and the temple that Zac and I were married in. I love everything about Christmas, and going to Temple Square just makes it that much better.

When our noses and feet were too cold to bear, we made our trip back to the car, with the other dozens and dozens of people. On our way home, we stopped by Kneaders and ordered a cup of hot cocoa to share and sat by the fireplace. I recently discovered their hot cocoa, and have decided it's my new favorite. There's a hint of coffee to it, and I think that's why I like it so much, which is weird, because I've never had coffee--I've just smelt it. When we finished our hot cocoa at Kneaders, we went to Walmart to do some grocery shopping. Among other things there, we bought our very first Christmas tree: a four foot pre-lit tree. We set it up last night, and it brings magic into our home, I swear. It's glorious. We are going to hang ornaments tomorrow night, so I'll post a picture of what it looks like when it's finished. I'm so glad Christmas is here. I can't wait for the nights where Zac and I are snuggled up on the couch in our jammies with all the lights turned out but the ones on our tree, drinking hot cocoa, and listening to our old Christmas records. That just sounds like heaven to me. I'm excited to start new Christmas traditions with my little family, and continue old ones, like watching old Christmas videos on Christmas Eve. This time of year is wonderful, isn't it?
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