Well, I guess I should post Franz's 12-month update now that he's 13 1/2 months. I cannot believe that I am the mama to a one-year-old! I'm still not used to it. This big boy has learned how to walk in his 12th month; his first steps were taken when he was just 11 1/2 months old. I was a proud mama when that happened.
Thinking back to a few weeks ago, he's been starting to leave little messes around the house everywhere he goes, and says even more words now, his favorite being "pumpkin!" (puh!), right in time for Halloween. Every time he sees a pumpkin, he'll shout "Puh! Puh!" It's pretty much one of the cutest things I've ever seen. And speaking of Halloween, that was his last first holiday. He loved it, mostly because he got to hold a king's scepter (he was Max from Where the Wild Things Are). He loves to growl at himself in the mirror, and says hi!
At 12 months, Franz...
- wears size 5 diapers, and 24 month sized clothes. He wears clothes made for babies twice his age.
- stood up on his own.
- took his first steps and can walk!
- loves to eat, especially bread.
- still has poof on the back of his head. I'm not sure that his hair will ever lay completely straight.
- has 7 teeth.
- nurses throughout the day and the night.
- still doesn't sleep through the night.
- loves everything he can't have and throws a fit if you won't let him have it.
- gives kisses.
- loves cars and books mostly.
- sleeps in his crib for the most part.
- learned how to clap his hands.
- learned how to say "turtle" perfectly.
- loves to be outside.
I feel like this boy got a whole lot more crazy/mobile/messy/whiney the minute he turned one. Some days it's hard to keep up with him (especially since I haven't had decent sleep in over a year), but boy, do I love him. It's truly insane to me to think about the amount of love you can feel for someone when you thought you already knew how much you could love. It turns out my heart is a whole lot bigger and can hold even more love than I ever thought before having Franz. This mama thing is alright.
I agree. Being a mama IS alright. But being grandma is AWESOME! ;) ...and you get more sleep!