Two weekends ago, to kick off the start of October, we took Franz to see all the witches at Gardner Village. We stopped by the cafe for some lunch, and then the Chocolate Covered Wagon for a few chocolates and the best salt water taffy I've ever eaten before making our rounds through the village. We showed him pumpkins, witches, and stuffed animals, but the thing that caught his attention the most was the little Halloween village displayed in one of the shops there, filled with ghosts and witches and little old buildings. And I've gotta admit, it was incredible! A part of me wanted to live there.
This was just what I needed to get into the Halloween spirit. Since then, I've been thinking up Halloween treats to make, planning trips to the pumpkin patch and a Halloween cruise (this weekend!), and getting ready to make our costumes. And just in the last few days, the leaves in our neighborhood have started changing, and I couldn't be more excited! I love the fall.
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