If there's one thing my mom taught me about being a mom, it was that if your kids do something bad, save the energy you would spend getting mad or frustrated at them, and use it to go get your camera and take pictures of it.
This morning was one of those mornings. I was trying to get ready for the day as quickly as I could, and Franz was climbing up on the toilet and sucking on the lid (mom of the year here, because I kept curling my hair).
While standing against the toilet, Franz discovered the toilet paper! And he ripped off the longest piece ever, and then went crazy with it on the bathroom floor.

Also, Halloween jammies! He's been wearing these for weeks, because I'm he's so excited for Halloween!
Hahahahaha! That's right! ALWAYS get the camera. :) -for blackmail when they're teens. Love the blog posts and pictures. I would like a family one (and it's insertion) for my pictures in the hall! :) please!