As Franz get more and more mobile (he can scoot across the room in about 5 seconds flat), it's getting harder to find the time to blog, especially since when he naps, I just want to sit on the couch and be lazy or even nap (still not sleeping through the night over here).
So here's what's been going on over here in the last month and a half or so!

^^^We were cleaning out a corner in the house and Zac found a slinky. He showed Franz and Franz was He loved it!

^^^Same with this watermelon. He was tripping balls.

^^^Ever since he's been scooting around, his shirt gets pulled down, and his little baby cleavage peaks through.

^^^Being a weirdo and playing with the baby in the mirror.

^^^Always trying to get mama's camera.

^^^Pulling towels out of the drawer, and looking oh so innocent about it.

^^^He fell off our bed a few weeks ago and skinned his nose. He only cried for about a minute, and was totally fine afterwards. It's healed up now, but it was a sad little nose for about a week.
This boy is growing faster than I can keep up with. It's crazy to compare his abilities, looks, and personalities now with what they were a couple of months ago!