A couple of week ago, one of Franz's bottom teeth popped through, and the other followed a few days later, so now my little boy's got both his bottom teeth, and he loves to chew on things like toys and fingers (ouch) and cups and whatever else he can get his little, dimpled hands on.
I want so badly to stop time and enjoy this 7-month-old (?!?!) baby of mine. He is so much fun. He makes me happy, and he makes me genuinely laugh my head off. I love going into his bedroom and picking him up after his nap, when he greets me with the biggest smiles. I love that he does excited/anxious grunts when he knows I'm going to breastfeed him. I love that he loves to watch the world around him, and is amazed by new things that are normal and mundane to me.
Yesterday, we sat on the door step and watched a storm roll in. The wind was blowing the branches on the trees and leaves were skipping across the parking lot. The sky was filled with gray storm clouds, and it was raining just the littlest bit. He sat on my lap and looked around at everything as the wind blew his hair back. It seems so simple, but it was the best part of my day, sitting there with him, watching him take everything in.
This boy is growing and changing so much, and I love it, but it also makes my heart hurt. Not because I hate seeing him grow, but because I know that in a blink of an eye, he won't be my little chubby baby anymore. I wish so bad that he would stay little for a little longer. I love this baby of mine.
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