^^^Easter Bunny poop

We had such a good Easter this year--Franz's first!--with two big dinners and two Easter egg hunts: one at my parents' house and the other at Zac's parents'.
Saturday we drove up to my parents' and ate a dinner of ham and potatoes, went on the most elaborate Easter egg hunt (with eggs scattered around the perimeter of the entire house), where Aiden shook every egg he picked up to make sure there was something inside, and ate carrot cake made by yours truly for dessert! My belly was pretty happy that night.
And on Sunday, Franz played with ate his toys that the Easter Bunny got him, and we had a turkey dinner with the Swensons, went on another Easter egg hunt there, where we lost one egg filled with ten dollars to the garden (seriously, no one could find it, and we spent about an hour looking for it), and then Zac and I taught the FHE lesson.
Having Franz with us to enjoy the holidays this year (and the last part of last year) has been so much fun. Even though he's tiny and doesn't react much to the things we do, I just love starting our own holiday traditions with this little family of mine. And I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for next year when he'll be a little bigger and little more excited about things! :)
I just love your pics!!! That's some cute kids there! ;)