I feel like Franz's 4-month update is so far away, and he's changed so much lately, so here's a little update on him.
This little guy has developed so much personality over the last week! He's found his voice, and loves to coo, ahh, ohh, squeal, and even rawr (we've been rawring at him for a few weeks now). He's also started doing fake coughs, and sometimes those make him sneeze! He's obsessed with his binky lately, and has started trying to fit the whole thing in his mouth. Still hates tummy time, but can tolerate it for longer periods of time than before, and loves to roll over onto his side when he's lying on his back (but hasn't rolled completely over to his tummy... I think he realizes that if he does, he'll have to be on his tummy). He smiles all day long, and even gave us his first real cracked-up laugh the other night while Zac was changing his diaper.
He makes me laugh so much! He's getting more and more fun the older he gets, which is a good trade off, because I was (am) really missing that cuddly newborn stage.
And that's Franz at 3 1/2 months.
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