^^^The best smile I could get. I had to hold the camera below my face and sing him a really animated Baby Beluga.
This little boy of mine is three months old! I can hardly believe it! He is such a sweet boy, and I love getting to spend every minute with him. I told Zac yesterday that I don't know how working moms and moms who go to school do it. I miss my baby when I'm at a store in the mall and Zac has him outside on a bench. We are definitely attached at the hip these days, and I'm perfectly okay with it.
As far as a schedule goes, I think we've finally gotten into one over the past few weeks. He sleeps roughly (emphasis on roughly) from about 9:00 pm until about 8:00 am, with 3 nighttime feedings about 3 or 4 hours apart. After being fed and getting his diaper changed at night, he goes right back to sleep, so that's nice. He's still sleeping in our bedroom. I don't think I'll move him to his own bedroom for a few more months, to be honest. In the daytime, he eats every 2-4 hours, and then stays awake and plays with me for about an hour after eating. Then he goes down for his nap, and when he wakes up, it's time to eat again.
At three months old, Franz...
- drools a lot, just like his mama!
- loves to suck on his hands (and has recently started gagging himself with them occasionally).
- likes to talk to things and people, especially his papa.
- has the cutest pouty face and a cry that goes with it.
- sleeps in his pack 'n' play at night, and naps in his swing in the daytime.
- suddenly loves being sung to and smiles without fail when we sing Baby Beluga (at least the parts we know the words to).
- has acquired the nickname "Booga," as well as all of its variations, such as Baby Booga, Booga Boy, and Boogs.
- hates being burped, except at night, then it puts him to sleep.
- loves being walked around facing outward.
- loves his binky, but still can't hold it in for very long.
- has started grabbing at toys and holding them.
- hates tummy time still.
- has giggled a few times, but not much.
- smiles lots and lots, but not for the camera.
- is this close to rolling over (he's rolled over once already, but I think it was by accident).
- loves things that make noise.
- loves sitting up (with help), and really loves standing, and can pull himself up to standing (also with help).
- loves looking at the designs on mama's pajama shirts.
- doesn't hate baths, but doesn't know what to think of them yet.
- fits mostly in 3-6 month clothes, with a couple of 0-3 month outfits here and there.
- wears size 3 diapers.
- almost fits in 6-12 month shoes.
- opens his mouth wide when you kiss him on the cheek.
- has to be touching you or holding your hand when you hold his binky in.
- is about 17 pounds (twice his size at birth!), and a total chunker.
- loves car rides and stroller rides.
I am obsessed with this baby. I literally cannot explain or express how much love I have for him. Now I know what people are talking about when they say, "You think you know what love is? Just wait until you have kids." My heart nearly bursts on a daily basis for this boy. I just love him. :)
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