Today marks my one-year anniversary of being proposed to.
One year ago today, Zac took me up to this place, dined me, and then asked me the question. Before he took me out, he (and my friend, Emily, who was in on the whole thing) had convinced me that he was simply taking me out on a normal date. Emily even mentioned that she thought he was "going to propose on Valentine's Day."
A little depressed, I took a nap in my bedroom after hearing this. When I woke up, I didn't redo my hair or make up, but rode with Zac up to Sundance.
We ate, and at the end of our meal, he proposed to me in a little room seperated from the rest of the restuarant by a heavy curtain. Then we took blurry pictures, because it was quite dim in that room (and I hate flash).
We met up with both of our parents to tell them the news later that night--my parents, in the parking lot of the Provo mall; his parents, at their house.
This time around, we are keeping the tradition of going to the Tree Room to eat. We have reservations tonight, and I am beyong excited! Happy One-Year Anniversary of being engaged, love! You are wonderful!

P.S. Last night for Family Home Evening, we made homemade salsa. What we learned from it: when everyone brings their best qualities together, they make a fantastic salsa.

Tomorrow's February! Love, and be loved!