Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full moon.

Today, I was on a roll. I kept busy from 7:00 in the morning, when I woke up, until just about ten minutes ago, when I finished getting ready for bed. That's over sixteen hours. I feel great, because I got so much done today. Here's how it went:

7:00am: Woke up, took a shower.
7:20am: Got dressed, made lunch for Zac to take to work, finished getting ready for work.
8:05am: Left for work [late].
8:10am: Arrived at work, and did my priestly duties.
2:00pm: Got home from work, changed my clothes, and started cleaning the front room. (There were tons of stuff everywhere, mostly our wedding presents.)
3:00pm: Zac called.
3:05: Continued to put stuff away, organize, find places for everything, iron the table cloth, sweep the floor, do the dishes, hang frames up on the wall, vacuum, fold clothes, make the bed and clean the table.
4:45pm: Zac came home and gave me a long, tight hug.
5:00pm: Continued to put things away and finish everything up, and then went and helped Zac take all of our boxes to the dumpster on the other side of the house. (Our whole porch was occupied with said boxes. Can you say white trash?)
6:00pm: Started dinner: homemade fettucine alfredo, while Zac played Magic: The Gathering.
6:45pm: Ate dinner.
7:00pm: Our new neighbors, Kristi and Scott, came over and introduced themselves. (I'm really quite fond of them.)
7:30pm: Decided to make cookies (from a mix--I regret it) for the Bishopric when they came over.
8:30pm: Bishopric came over and chatted with us, and gave us advice. (I'll extrapolate later.)
9:00pm: Gave cookies to our new neighbors, mentioned above.
9:15pm: Went on a walk with Zac around the neighborhood, and ended up at a park playground.
10:30pm: Came home and got ready for bed.

You see?! My day was filled with never-ending tasks. I kind of liked it. I've never been so busy before, nor so... not bored. I have a goal of becoming more productive. I've always admired my friend, Celeste, because she isn't afraid to get out there and get things done. I've always wanted to have that kind of attitude, but was always too lazy or too scared to start things. But today, I started (and finished) things that I've been wanting and needing to do for a long time, and it felt so good!

My favorite part about today was the evening. The Bishopric coming over and visiting us, eating dinner and meeting our new neighbors, and spending the night outside with Zac.

While the Bishopric was over, the Executive Secretary (I can't remember his name--it was a weird one) gave us some advice. He said to get involved in the ward, because the more you get involved, the more people get involved in your life, and you are able to bless each others' lives, and make friends, too. Then Bishop suggested that we both keep up on our home teaching and visiting teaching, because "it's like Heavenly Father giving you two people to take care of, just for you." Cool. I'm going to like this ward.

When Zac and I escaped out of our house (after the Bishopric had left, of course) to go on our walk, we first ended up at a gazebo just two blocks from our apartment. We talked about how we like being married so far. Then I had the idea of going to a park and watching the full moon come up over the mountains. We walked four more blocks, and came to Maeser Park. We climbed up on the playground, and talked about things we used to do as kids. For example, I used to jump off our old fort into the snow in the winter, and walk to the local Maverik gas station with my sisters to buy an Icee or a bag of candy, and walk in circles on top of the humongous tractor tire in our old backyard until my feet were black. Zac used to go to his church parking lot and skate board there for hours on end, and go to Fast Gas gas station and get treats. It was fun to get to know Zac a little more, because I never knew that about him. I kept glancing towards the east mountains, but never saw the moon come up. It started to get chilly, so we left for home. The air on the walk home smelt like lilacs and pine trees, which was a lovely plus to a great stroll.

You might be wondering what our apartment looks like now that I've got it all organized and clean. Let me tell you this: at first, our bedroom was clean and our living room was a mess, but now, our living room is clean and our bedroom is a disaster. I will post pictures as soon as I get everything situated. And as soon as I can figure out why there are so many bugs in this house.

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