This is a week late, and I've yet to take pictures for my current 16 week bump, but whatever. These pictures were taken last week on the 3rd.
How far along: 15 weeks.
Weight gain: 2 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes: Not much. Just the occasional maternity leggings and t-shirts. I'll have to do the ol' hair elastic trick every now and then, too.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Horrible! I'm not in the habit of going to the bathroom before falling asleep, and so I'll wake up to pee, and then stay up for hours at a time. It's the worst thing so far this trimester.
Best moment this week: Feeling little baby kicks! I started feeling them at around 14 weeks, and it's one of the best feelings in the world!
Miss anything: Good sleep. And not being winded after walking up the stairs.
Movement: Yep! The softest and tiniest little kicks, but they're there!
Cravings: Restaurant food and cold, fruity drinks.
Queasy or sick: Nope. I think I'm completely passed the first-trimester nasties!
Looking forward to: Starting the nursery. I've been in full-on nesting mode lately, and I should really probably do something about it before it goes away!
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