How far along: 13 weeks. Finally in the 2nd trimester and feeling waaaaay better than a couple of weeks ago.
Gender: Don't know yet. I'm not sure if we're going to find out.
Weight gain: I lost 6 pounds since getting pregnant, which was weird, because I gained and gained with Franz.
Maternity clothes: Only wearing maternity shirts because they're fun and new. Most of them are way too big right now though.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Sleep is pretty good. I used to have to wake up more often than I do now to go to the bathroom, but I'm able to sleep through the night pretty well now. I just have to pee the first thing in the morning.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Franz's 2nd birthday with a train ride downtown! It was the most perfect day.
Miss anything: Being able to eat lots and lots (ha!). I can only eat regular portion sizes now because my stomach is so crowded. I guess that's a good thing.
Movement: Sometimes I'll think I feel a little flutter or push, but at this point I'm not sure if it's the baby or not.
Cravings: Cold fruity drinks, cold water, and mashed potatoes mostly. A few weeks ago I only craved meat. That's done now though.
Queasy or sick: A little queasy every now and then, but feeling much better now.
Looking forward to: Feeling kicks, seeing baby on the ultrasound screen, and getting a big belly! Oh, and Thanksgiving next week!
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