Our Fourth of July this year was a really good one. Zac worked the whole morning and into the afternoon, and at the very last minute, I decided to take Franz to the parade! He loved it, and his favorite part was the giant balloon that floated past.
When Zac got home, we headed up to my parents' house for a BBQ with chicken and veggie kebabs, salad, and homemade salsa. We didn't stay long, though, and headed back down to put Franz to bed on time.
Once he was asleep, Zac and I took the baby moniter out of our front steps and made some s'mores over a little fire in a clay pot and listened to the fireworks going off all around us. I was bummed that Franz didn't get to see them, but that babe was so tired. Next year, for sure!
Oh my gosh Franz is so cute and squishable! What a chunk!