On Easter morning last week, we set out Franz's Easter basket filled with a few toys and snacks, and set up a little train set with it, because we just knew he'd go crazy over it, and we were oh so right! We had tried to video record his reaction to seeing the train, but the camera wasn't working, so I made him wait to play with it, and he kept saying "Train! Train!" and trying to get out of my arms. He was ecstatic! And he would've played with that thing all through breakfast if we would've let him. Franz and his Easter train. Easter was fantastic just because of that morning.

The day before, we took Franz to his very first Easter egg hunt at the park across the street from our house. I didn't know if he'd catch onto the idea of picking up eggs and putting them into the basket, and then getting more eggs, but he caught on quick, and collected 10 eggs like it was his job! It was so much fun to watch him, I can't even explain the excitement you feel for otherwise boring things when you become a parent. Your kids doing pretty much anything is absolutely the best thing in the world. And so it was with Franz's first Easter egg hunt.